Name's Barf. I'm a mog, half man half dog. I"m my own best friend.

Saturday, January 4, 2014


I totally stole this from Melinda because I loved it. Short and sweet. Enjoy. 

Name: Rachel
Age: 23
Favorite Color this year:  Navy blue
Favorite Food this year: Cafe Rio anything
Favorite activity: Reading 
Favorite Book: Georgiana 
Greatest Lesson learned: These things are but a small moment
Hardest thing this year: Getting dumped.
Favorite Memory: Spending my birthday in Kentucky 
What I loved about 2013: How much closer we became as a family
Looking forward to 2014:  Best friend's wedding! 
Want to learn: 
Want to get better at: Studying the scriptures 
Goals for 2014: Pray on my knees. Drink less Dr. Pepper. Make 5 Pioneer Woman recipes.