Name's Barf. I'm a mog, half man half dog. I"m my own best friend.

Saturday, January 4, 2014


I totally stole this from Melinda because I loved it. Short and sweet. Enjoy. 

Name: Rachel
Age: 23
Favorite Color this year:  Navy blue
Favorite Food this year: Cafe Rio anything
Favorite activity: Reading 
Favorite Book: Georgiana 
Greatest Lesson learned: These things are but a small moment
Hardest thing this year: Getting dumped.
Favorite Memory: Spending my birthday in Kentucky 
What I loved about 2013: How much closer we became as a family
Looking forward to 2014:  Best friend's wedding! 
Want to learn: 
Want to get better at: Studying the scriptures 
Goals for 2014: Pray on my knees. Drink less Dr. Pepper. Make 5 Pioneer Woman recipes. 

Sunday, March 31, 2013


Things I'm grateful for today:

1. My wonderful family, immediate and extended.

2. The love of my Savior

3. The sunshine.

4. The sacrament.

5. Adorable primary kids singing about Jesus.

6. Pretty choir songs.

7. Turkey dinner instead of ham.

8. My grandmother's optimism and example.

9. The scriptures.

10. The ability to learn and comprehend.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Stuff I'm grateful for today:

1. Journal writing

2. The gospel

3. My family, especially my sisters.

4. My job

5. My college degree

6. Prayer

7. Sunshine

8. Fantastic friends

9. My dogs

10. My books

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Two worst things in the world:

1. Applying for 1,000,000,000 jobs and not getting ONE phone call for an interview.

2. A dog farting in your face.

Unfortunately, both have happened to me in the last 24 hours.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Here I am. Sitting in the library waiting for my next class to start. Surrounded by the smell of coffee that I don't drink and books that I need to read. Just like freshman year. Except this time it's my last first day of school here. This time I'm more experienced. I know where I am. I have a job. I had a conversation with one of my professors that knows me. I even gave someone directions. And yet I feel kind of sad. I feel like life is moving on without me and I'm not ready for it. Do you ever get comfortable just as everything changes? That's me right now. The last three years of my life have been lived here. I've worked and studied and preservered toward this end and I don't even know if I'm ready for it. And so I sit. Waiting for the next adventure. Waiting for an answer. Waiting for myself to catch up.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Confessions of a Gilmore Girl Wannabe

Reasons why I'm like Rory Gilmore:

1. I love to read.
2. I'm an English Major.
3. I'm a relationship girl, not a dater.
4. I love my mother.
5. I didn't marry my college boyfriend at the end of my college career.

Reasons why I'm not like Rory Gilmore:

1. I hate to write.
2. I'm a Mormon.
3. I never took a break from college.
4. I don't know what to do after college.
5. My name is Rachel.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Alas my friends I have updated the formatting of my blog. It was desperately needed and I quite like the new look. I don't really know what to write about today. I am doing summer school again so my time is very full of homework and summer social activity. My family also got a new doggy. Her name is Lolli and she is ridiculously cute and sweet. She watches the tv like a person and she barks when animals come on and commercials. I already love her! That's what's going on around here! Bear Lake is t-minus seven days. I'm so excited I could pee. The end.